Did Punxsutawney Phil predict an early spring or extended winter? Does it really matter, because whatever Phil says, the winter season can be the most frustrating time of year to keep vestibules and building entrances looking presentable and keeping them safe. Salt and ice melt get tracked all over the place this time of year. The slush (yuck) in the mats is another problem. People stomp their shoes, and at times you wish people would take their shoes off at the door, but that is impractical. Installed matting is very practical and a great design element, but don’t forget them this time of year, they need care.
Unfortunately, you cannot have someone standing at the door at all times vacuuming or extracting the mats to keep them clean. I am sure you have seen that many stores now, mostly grocery stores, have a turbofan blowing air across the mats and floor to keep it dry to help prevent slips. That is due diligence.
Even though mats may be installed, I have seen where some places will rent mats and place them directly over the installed mats this time of year. Renting mats this time of year can keep labor costs down and helps to keep your floors in the building cleaner and safer too.
Keeping installed or owned mats clean this time of year can be tricky. You should never use a traditional upright vacuum on mats that are wet, unless you want to see sparks fly. Upright vacuums are designed to pick up DRY SOIL ONLY, they are not designed to pick up slush, this includes backpack vacuums.
(courtesy VFII)
My suggestion for keeping slushy, wet mats clean is to use a carpet cleaning extractor or a wet vac and a broom and dustpan to pick up the loose salt and debris.
Stopping dirt at the door not only reduces cleaning labor costs and wear on your floors, but it also reduces the need for cleaning chemicals that might be harmful to the building occupants and the environment. When mats are the proper type, size, and placed properly, your maintenance costs will be reduced, and it may help you reach your green cleaning goal. This works for your home as much as it does for commercial buildings.
Too often I see entrance mats that have outlived their useful life allowing dirt to be spread throughout a building. I see perfectly good recess mats with another mat placed on top because someone thought it would stop more dirt. Recess mats are designed to allow dirt to fall through them. In more cases than not, the recess area needs to be cleaned out so the mat can do its job. I have also seen small mats overloaded with melted snow, and the water flowing all over the floor just asking for someone to slip and fall.
(courtesy CRI Carpet Maintenance Guidelines)
There are four things an entrance mat should do:
Provide a Safe Walking Surface
Stop Dirt and Water at the Door
Minimize Tracking of Dirt and Water and
Store Dirt and Water for Later Removal
Entrance mats and matting work 24 hours a day, seven days a week helping keep your building clean. Entrance mats are an integral part of your green cleaning system.
If you are responsible for the floor care in your building, you already understand the term “coefficient of friction.” The dress shoes we wear today have more surface area and texture so they can provide better “kinetic friction” which helps prevent slip/fall accidents. This is a huge design change from the smooth, leather sole dress shoes we used to wear. The change was to create better friction with the floor; however, the change created a way for more dirt to get trapped in the tread and subsequently release the dirt – inside your building. Because of a simple design change on the tread of shoes, more dirt is being brought into your buildings. Another thing that has occurred is more people wear casual, athletic-type shoes. Those shoes will also bring more soil into your building.
Entrance mats and matting work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, helping keep your building safe and clean. When mats are the proper type, size, and placed properly, your maintenance costs will be reduced, and your flooring will look better, longer. It is also very “green” to own mats.